The adventures of the Reilly family.

Friday, April 21, 2006


Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
I just can't help sharing this with you.

Abigail has been quite interested in the potty (or the popple as she calls it) since her Daddy gave her the potty seat for Christmas. But I really didn't want to deal with the layers of winter clothes coming on and off, especially if there was an accident. But for the last 3 weeks or so, pretty much on her own she has trained herself to go poopy in the potty. Yeah to no more poopy diapers, at least for a few more months.

But what I really wanted to share was that this Tuesday, now that the weather is warm, I decided to start training her to pee in the potty, so I've been letting her run around in just underwear and a T-shirt. I wasn't even messing around with pull-ups. But of course when she's asleep she still has a diaper. She loves this, especially since she has underwear like mommy now. And she's not afraid to check to see what color mine are, so she can compare hers. Anyway, the first day went ok, but we had a few accidents, but then yesterday she didn't go in her pants at all, even when we were outside she told me she needed to go. And today she's been really on it, I haven't even had to ask her if she had to go, she'd just say "Popple" and go into the bathroom. I'm so stinkin proud of her!


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