The adventures of the Reilly family.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mommy's Day!

Mommy's Day!
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Here she is! The Mommy of the hour. Somehow a tradition started when Abigail was little that her and Allison would dress alike on Mother's Day. Josiah has since joined in. I couldn't resist taking a picture with all three of them in their matching yellows.

Its hard to believe that this is Allison's fourth "official" Mother's Day already. It seems like just the other day we were bringing home Abigail from the hospital. Now we are expecting number three. That's right...we are due to have another little one in December! We're very excited!

Allison is such a good mom. Our kids eat well, play well, behave well, and it is all due to her good parenting. Staying home with these two crazies is something I would have a hard time doing, but she does it with ease.

So what did she get for Mother's Day? Abigail made her a door hanger and a homemade card. AND there are two other presents that will be revealed later!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

wahoo! congrats!

1:00 PM


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