The adventures of the Reilly family.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

And she's off

So today it happened... Abigail took her first steps! We don't have a picture of it for the site, because we were at the best ice cream place ever (Jack Frost) and she stood up and really wanted some of my ice cream, so she stepped toward me. So there we were excited as can be, sitting on the ground, tons of people around, none of them with a clue in the world that our little girl just had a huge milestone. So no pics, but we'll try to get some soon.


Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Here is Abigail a taking a break after making the mess you see in the background. A true Young Life kid at heart, taking a swig from the Nalgene.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Little farmer

Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
We took Abigail down to the garden with us, and sat her in the grass. And as usual she began picking and eating it, (notice the grass in her hand). But then all of a sudden she was standing. Up until this point she has used someone or something to get to standing, then lets go and stands alone. But this time she was sitting, then, poof, standing. She did it a couple of times, we think she may walk soon, YIKES!!!

watching them grow

Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
As a mommy one of my favorite things is watching my little girl grow. However, it is also so exciting to look down this row and see my green beans popping up. They're still little, but i'm proud of them. They're two more rows like it, I got a little carried away, so if you like beans, i'm willing to share.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Story time

Story time
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Abigail loves story time! Before every nap we sit in our chair and read a good book. This time it was "Pat the Bunny." She particularly liked touching the fuzzy bunny.

Cute on the floor

Cute on the floor
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
If you look close you can see some of our favorite toys. Refridgerator magnets that Aunt Beckie bought us a long time ago! Of course sticking them to the fridge is fun, but chewing on them seems to be the most fun of all.


Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Abigail's new trick....standing! For a couple weeks now she has been standing by herself. She stands...looks around...and waits for applause. If she doesn't get it...she claps for herself. Unfortunately she would not smile and stand at the same time.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Innocent Look

Innocent Look
Originally uploaded by
Looking innocent after a recent bout of sneaky mischief is one of Abigail's favorite hobbies. Here she is flashing that cute look that melts every daddy's heart. She could've burned the house down and I would have said, "That's ok."

Her fingers may be small, but I sure am wrapped around that little one.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Our New Blog!!!!

Coming soon.....