The adventures of the Reilly family.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Lovin' Daddy!

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Sweet Samuel! He's getting so big. Since our last posts about his doctor's checkup, i'm sure he's grown some. He has also rolled from his back to his belly. So he can roll both was, though the happenings of which are sporadic. He's such a happy baby, and loves to be talked to, and will gladly "talk" back to anyone who will listen. I'm pretty sure he's working on some teeth already, and therefore he has an abundance of spit with which to make bubbles, his new favorite thing to do. What a joy he is!

I've found my knees

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
So who doesn't love those chubby naked legs? Samuel has enjoyed some naked time as the temps warm. And wow, he's got knees! He didn't know that yet.

Naked tummy time

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Love this look!

Sweet face

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
I just think he is so sweet!


Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Josiah wearing his cool Batman jammies for the first time. He is so cool and what super hero would be complete without big boots?

WOW they are big!

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Josiah is rethinking his footwear?

Zoo time!

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
A few weekends ago we took our first trip to the zoo for the year. It was a ton of fun, however there were a ton of people, so this was the best shot we got. The kids in a wagon in the parking lot!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Getting so big

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
We took Samuel for his 4 month check up this morning. And the doctor said he was a beautiful baby. We tend to agree! He has grown so much in the 2 months since his last visit. He is now 14 lbs and 12 ozs and is 25 1/4 inches long. What a big boy! He's my sweetie and getting too big too fast!

All the cousins

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Aren't they all so cute! Here are all the cousins (on John's side) at Bonky's this past weekend. We went after church on Sunday for a fun Easter day, egg hunts, baskets, and a great dinner with family.

The spoils

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
The weather was so nice and we all had fun at an egg hunt at Bonky's on Easter. Abigail and Josiah with all the loot from the hunt. What a great time it was.

What's inside

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Josiah had a great egg hunt. Though it took him twice as long to find his eggs.This was because with each one he'd stop and open it and check out what was inside.

There is something under there

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
What a great shot of Josiah finding an egg under a bush.

Look at all those eggs

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Abigail posing with her bucket full of eggs.

I found one!

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Just some good hunting fun.

Big gold egg

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Abigail proudly showing off the giant gold egg she found. It was so shiny in the sun!

Hunting with Mommy

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Josiah running up the hill after some more eggs with Mommy. What fun!!!

Basket excitement

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Abigail was just a tiny bit excited after finding her Easter basket at Bonky's.

Finished product

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Look at all those great eggs! Josiah and Abigail had a great time coloring eggs last weekend. Samuel slept like a good boy upstairs so we could get it all done. Maybe next year for the little man.

Cheese, and eggs

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Abigail and Josiah cheesing it up for the camera while they color their eggs.

Loving' coloring

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Abigail had a great time coloring eggs. Though patience was a bit of an issue. Here she is waiting to take a green one out.

What am I supposed to do now?

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Josiah looking very hard at his egg, deciding what to draw on it.

Sweet pileup

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Doesn't this just look like fun?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Last Wednesday, Abigail participated in a Hop-A-Thon at her school. The whole week was geared around learning disability awareness and the Hop-A-Thon capped off the week. She ended up raising over $200 for muscular dystrophy!!!! So amazing! Thanks to all of you who sponsored our little hopper. Check out this video, you'll see that they had a great time for such a worthy cause.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Guess what I can do!

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Today while hanging out with Abigail and I Samuel reached his first major physical milestone. He rolled over from his belly to his back. He even surprised himself I think. But we were all very excited, especially big sister Abigail. He rolled from his belly to his side, then laid there for a minute. I really was tempted to push him the rest of the way, it was so exciting, but I know he needs to do it on his own. And a minute later, sure enough, he made it to his back. What a big boy he is becoming! Four months old next week, where has the time gone?

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Lauging boy

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Last night Samuel was hanging out in his bouncy seat (what would we do without it), and as is is nature recently, I started talking to him and he just smiled and laughed right back at me. He is such a good boy, and getting so big, so fast! Enjoy his giggles on this video, I bet you'll be laughing too.

Big smile

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
His smile melts my heart every time!

Just hanging out

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
While the big kids were swinging, and I pushed Josiah, Samuel had a great time just hanging out in his stroller watching the action and enjoying the outside.

Back and forth

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Enjoying the swings a few days ago when it was really nice out. There will be no swinging today though, it snowed. crazy!

Big boy swing

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Josiah has graduated to the big boy swing, he really loves to be pushed really high. This is the reason he is not smiling in this picture, I had to step away from pushing him to take it, and he DID NOT like that.

Swinging girl

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Abigail loves to swing. I put the swings back up a few weeks ago, and boy has she really enjoyed it since.

I really am so cute

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
I love this picture! What a sweet shot of our little man.