The adventures of the Reilly family.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Apple orchard

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
So, again, i've been seriously delinquent with posts. Here are some fun shots of going to the apple orchard with some friends and Aunt Beckie and Cole last month. Sure was a fun time!

Hay fun!

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Cole and Josiah climb the hay after Abigail. Looks like fun!


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Can't you just hear her sweet laugh?

Samuel and Daddy having fun

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I think the hay pit was his favorite!

Loving the hay

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Sweet Samuel!

Plotting something

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Samuel looks a bit mischievous in this one.

Hanging on

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Samuel just being cute in the hay.

Biggest pig EVER!

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I'm pretty sure this pig was the size of our van.

A great photo op?

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They had this huge lizard head to get in and take your picture. It was super fun. But getting 7 kids to all look at the camera at once was not. Kellie too many, many pics. Here are a sampling.

It's sunny!

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Josiah gave up trying to squint.

Samuel's had it

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Take #? Samuel gave up and turned away.

Look, pumpkin drum!

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While we were waiting for Daddy to find a wagon to pull our pumpkins in that we chose Abigail picked up some sticks and started a pumpkin drumming good time.

They didn't have any more wagons

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
The orchard had some really nice wagons you could pull the pumpkins in that you wanted to buy. They didn't have any left, so we got this.

Cart's all full

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
John loaded up with EVERYONES pumpkins headed to the checkout.

Big hugs

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How sweet!

Ready to take on the corn maze

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Cole adjusts his sweat band preparing to take on the corn maze.

That was fun

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
The kids coming out of the corn maze, it sure was fun!


Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Sweet Abigail and Anna. They were meant to be friends forever.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

This is how we make cider

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
When we went to the apple orchard the other day we got to watch how they made their cider. It was a very cool process. Here the man is explaining how the apples they use are left over apples from the orchard that are too small to sell otherwise or maybe bruised or something. But they made yummy cider.

heading to the grinder

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
The apples head up the conveyer belt and then are chopped into pulp.

Apple pulp... yummy!

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
After the apples are grinded they are squirted from this hose onto pallets to be squished to make cider.

Stack them!

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
After they've had the apple pulp squirted into them they stack the pallets nice and high.

Squish it!

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Then they squish the palates and out comes cider. YUM!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

First sleepover

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Last month Abigail had her first sleepover. She and I travled to our friend the Honey's house. We had so much fun we didn't take a ton of pictures. But here are a few of the fun evening. Which included pizza, toe painting, lots and lots of giggles, some crazy time and a pancake breakfast.

Wrestle time

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Even though it was a girls only sleep over they did get a little rough. Here is Abigail and Anna being silly.

Pancake morning

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Abigail and Anna mixing up breakfast for everyone!