The adventures of the Reilly family.

Friday, September 24, 2010


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As the finale to our Reilly Summer of Fun we dropped Samuel off at Bonky's and headed camping with Josiah and Abigail and John's sister Beckie and her son Cole. It was a great time of collecting firewood, sleeping in a tent, cooking over the fire, exploring the woods, swimming, fishing, and playing on the playground. Can't wait to do it again!

Setting up the tent

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Abigail holding the pole up while we set up Aunt Beckie's giant tent that all 6 of us slept in.


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By far the kids' favorite part of camping was going out into the woods and collecting wood for the fire. Abigail is proud of her little stick!

Cole doing a big job

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Cole was quite the wood collector. Check out that big log!


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I was helping to set up the tent when Cole yelled, "Aunt Allison come help with this!" He wanted me to help push this tree over. I'm flattered he thinks i'm strong enough.

Ripping it down

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Abigail trying her hardest to rip a piece of wood off that stump.

What is it?

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We let Josiah open a few of his birthday gifts early because they would come in handy while we were fishing. When he opened this one he wasn't quite sure what it was. But when we explained that it was a box full of fishing stuff he was very excited.

A fishing pole

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Josiah was very excited about his new fishing stuff!

Sweet fisherman

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My little man fishing for the first time. Love it!

Everything tastes better cooked on a fire.

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Abigail takes a big bite of her hobo pie.

Hobo pie face

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Josiah really is enjoying his fruit hobo pie, despite his crazy face.

Working hard

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Abigail developed her own system for collecting firewood.

She's in there somewhere

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When John first got up to start the fire the next morning he looked over at Abigail's bed and this is what he saw. She was in there sleeping somewhere.

First one up

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Abigail was the first kid up. She waited for the others by munching on a banana by the fire.

Love the morning faces

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I just love how cute they are with their swollen morning faces. Sleeping in a tent was fun!

My monkey

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Josiah doing a great job being strong crossing the monkey bars.

No more thumb!

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Sweet Abigail, she stopped sucking her thumb, and it was all her idea. She started sucking it when she was like 6 weeks old, but she's only done it at bed time for years now. But last month she decided it was time to quit. We made her a chart to track her days and told her at the end of each 5 days she'd get a reward. At the end of the first 5 she got to paint her nails. Something she's always wanted to do, but I never let her because of her sucking her thumb. We went to Rite-Aid and I let her pick out a nice color. She's so proud!

Close up

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A close up of Abigail's pretty painted nails.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Water steps!

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
One of the last things we did over the summer was take the kids to the water steps on the riverfront. It was by far one of everyone's favorite things of the whole summer.

Check it all out

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Josiah was totally amazed by it all. It was really awesome!

Sitting pretty

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Ever the princess. Abigail poses for a shot.

All in

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Josiah was totally serious about getting his butt all up in that waterfall. VERY SILLY!

Cold on my butt

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I think that face means it's cold on his tiny little butt.

Step right in

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He's so tiny. Look at his ribs. But he's just so sweet you could squeeze him till they crack.

Climbing up

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Abigail and Josiah doing some exploring on the upper steps.

Testing the waters

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Samuel giving the waters a feel on his own. He is darn cute!

Hi Daddy!

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Josiah takes time to wave!

I love Josiah's face

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Just check out his face!

Check it out Sameul

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Samuel really liked the water falls, but he would hold on to my hand the whole time. I kind of liked it.

Coffee can ice cream

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A few weeks ago I thought it would be fun to do something that I remember doing in school. Making ice cream in a coffee can. It was just as fun and delicious as I remember.


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Abigail was serious about her job rolling the can.

Samuel's turn

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Samuel had a great time rolling the can.

It is good!

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And the verdict.... YUM!!!!!

Big boy spoon

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Samuel just kept shoveling it in, even long after it all melted.

Getting into it

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Josiah thought ti was good to the last drop.

Good times driving at the library

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They just brought out this cool car at the library. Just a big wooden box, with three wheels like this one. The boys sure do love to drive it!

Giant dog, small boy

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Samuel loves this giant stuffed dog at the library.

Friday, September 10, 2010

That poor dog

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A few weeks ago we had the privilege of having dinner at our friend's house. We have known them since college, but they've just recently moved to Pittsburgh. so fun! Abigail and Josiah were really taken with the Honeys dog. Poor little guy.

Climbing out

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They had a play house. Josiah thought the window was much better than the door.

Beautiful girl

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Abigail is just the prettiest princess!

Samuel with a sword

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Samuel was trying to chop this tree down.

Fresh picked apple

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The Honeys have a few apple trees in their yard. The kids loved picking them and eating them right off of the tree.

Samuel picks his own

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Samuel wanted an apple too, of course, and so here he is choosing his.


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It was so yummy!

Making something

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A little sandbox time to finish out the evening.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Learning some science

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A few weeks ago we went to the Science Center with our church. It was a really good time!

The sign says it all

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Cool boy!

A special treat

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On this trip we were able to have a private kitchen science show for just our group. We learned how to make fruit flambe, and the science behind it. And the best part.... She set it on fire!

Working together

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She asked for volunteers to help put together a puzzle of the three elements needed to make fire. Josiah was a big helper!

The completed puzzle

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The three elements needed to make fire!