The adventures of the Reilly family.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Hopping to help

101_5616 a video by TheReillys on Flickr.

This week at Josiah's preschool the kids had a ton of fun. They hunted easter eggs, ate some treats, read some fun stories, played games, and did some crafts. But they also did something with a purpose. They had a Ho-A-Thon to raise money for the MDA and kids that can't use their muscles well. All week they learned about different disabilities and how these kids are like them in every way except how their muscles work. What a fun time! Enjoy the video.

Treat time!

101_5596 by TheReillys
101_5596, a photo by TheReillys on Flickr.

Josiah is excited to dig into his Easter treat at his school party!


101_5598 by TheReillys
101_5598, a photo by TheReillys on Flickr.

It was so cute how Samuel went and sat with Josiah and his class to wait for directions on the egg hunt. While all the mommys hid the eggs the kids went into the hall and read a story, Samuel lined right up and went out with them too. The party had to be inside because of the rain, but it was still a blast!

I found one!

101_5600 by TheReillys
101_5600, a photo by TheReillys on Flickr.

Josiah during his egg hunt at preschool.

The big haul

101_5604 by TheReillys
101_5604, a photo by TheReillys on Flickr.

Josiah is VERY excited about all the eggs he found!

Easter Egg tree

101_5605 by TheReillys
101_5605, a photo by TheReillys on Flickr.

This was such a cute decoration that one of the moms from Josiah's preschool made. It's an easter egg tree. The eggs are real eggs painted, and slightly cracked and filled with candy. Samuel likes it!

I made this!

101_5608 by TheReillys
101_5608, a photo by TheReillys on Flickr.

During craft time at his party, Josiah made this super cool bunny hat. He's proud!

Egg race

101_5611 by TheReillys
101_5611, a photo by TheReillys on Flickr.

Josiah racing his friend Seth with eggs on a spoon at his party.

In Miss Billie Jo's chair

101_5595 by TheReillys
101_5595, a photo by TheReillys on Flickr.

Samuel was so proud to be sitting in Josiah's teacher's chair while waiting for the party to get started.

Happy Birthday Mommy!

101_5590 by TheReillys
101_5590, a photo by TheReillys on Flickr.

The best gift of all is having great kiddos like this. But a great new grill isn't too shabby either! They worked so hard on all the construction paper food and flames and the clicky thing that lights it. What a fun gift!


101_5590 by TheReillys
101_5590, a photo by TheReillys on Flickr.

I'm so cool

101_5588 by TheReillys
101_5588, a photo by TheReillys on Flickr.

Samuel looking so cool in his shades.

Walking with sticks

101_5581 by TheReillys
101_5581, a photo by TheReillys on Flickr.

Good ole Samuel, he knows the importance of a good stick.

Friday, April 08, 2011

Fun with Isaac

101_5543 by TheReillys
101_5543, a photo by TheReillys on Flickr.

The last couple of weeks we had the great privilege of watching a friend's little boy. His name is Isaac and he is 22 months old. He is so fun. We had a ton of fun. Playing dress up, dancing, jumping around, tickle fights, reading stories, and we even managed to make it outside a few times even though it was crazy cold. I didn't get a ton of pics, but here's a few.

Fireman Isaac

101_5561 by TheReillys
101_5561, a photo by TheReillys on Flickr.

What a cute little fireman!

Fireman snack

101_5562 by TheReillys
101_5562, a photo by TheReillys on Flickr.

The firemen take a break from all the hard work.

Got you Abigail

101_5549 by TheReillys
101_5549, a photo by TheReillys on Flickr.

I am pretty sure Abigail was Isaac's favorite Reilly. He just lit up anytime she came into the room. Here he is after they were wrestling and he sat on her.

Pirate Isaac

101_5546 by TheReillys
101_5546, a photo by TheReillys on Flickr.

He looks pretty fierce to me. Especially with the blue bear. Love this kid!


101_5555 by TheReillys
101_5555, a photo by TheReillys on Flickr.

Pirate Samuel ready for a fight.

One happy Pirate

101_5551 by TheReillys
101_5551, a photo by TheReillys on Flickr.

Samuel with a cute face right before he stabs you.


101_5550 by TheReillys
101_5550, a photo by TheReillys on Flickr.

And he gets you! Imagine him saying "shing shing" as he does this. Because he probably is.

Pirate Samuel

101_5553 by TheReillys
101_5553, a photo by TheReillys on Flickr.

He dares you to mess with him.