The adventures of the Reilly family.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Dressing for winter?

Dressing for winter?
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Last night during diaper time, which recently has quickly turned into naked time, Abigail found her tobogan and decided she needed to put it on. She then proceeded to run around happy as can be, and naked as can be wearing nothing but her hat. She did a little dance and some spinning around, she's so strange sometimes. The only thing that made it sillier was that a little later on she decided that her outfit wasn't quite complete and she added her black patent leather shoes. Didn't get any good pics of that, but trust me, it was hilarious, just imagine!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I just LOOOOVE Thanksgiving!!!!

This past week we spent the week at Grandma Prysock's, us and about 18 other people of varying ages and noisiness. Note: they all spent most of the week there too, not just for Tgiving dinner. We really did have a nice visit, and the food was great. But Abigail was about at the end of her rope by the time the actual meal rolled around. It was fun to see folks we haven't seen in a while, and Abigail had fun playing with her cousins (pictured below). Looks like Daddy's had enough too.

Look, i'm a ladybug!

Look, i'm a ladybug!
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
This is Abigail's cousin Cynthia. I think she and her coat are too cute not to share. I don't quite understand the tongue thing, but every picture I have of her in the coat she's doing it. She said, "Look i'm ladybug!"

Sweet girls

Sweet girls
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Here is Abigail with 4 of her cousins, notice they're all girls. There are only 2 boys in the recent lot of grandchildren and great-grandchildren. They are so cute nonetheless. Miriah, the one on the far right, brought her Polly Pockets to share when she came to visit, and the girls really were having fun with it. Though Samantha looks like the only one not ready to fall off to sleep.

Still got my Daddy!

Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Even though the Thanksgiving time was crazy, to say the least, Abigail still has some good times with her Daddy!

Aren't I precious?

Aren't I precious?
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Here is a picture John captured last week sometime before we left for Thanksgiving. Doesn't that look just say, "you'll let me do anything, won't ya Daddy?"

Thursday, November 17, 2005


Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
So funny story. We went back to Huntington, WV, home of the Thundering Herd, this past weekend. We visited a lot of old friends, ate some good food, and John had a blast with the youth from our old church there. Ok, so that's not so funny, the funny thing is that we forgot our camera, and all of our laundry there! So we just got the camera back today, that's why the lull in photos. Anyway, here is Abigail at our friend Tom and Sandy's house, we so love them and it was great to see them. She was making a huge smile here, despite the bad mood she was in. We actually didn't get too many pics of the weekend, too busy hanging out. But I think her bibs are too cute!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Cute, but hard to cook broccoli in!

As I was getting ready to cook some dinner, I opened the drawer below the oven to get out a pot, and in climbed Abigail. She has done this a couple times, but this was the first I was able to get on camera, actually I think Daddy took it. I'm not sure why she has her coat on, we were probably either on our way outside or just in from outside. I mentioned broccoli in the title not because we had that for dinner, but as a tribute to Abigail's favorite veggie. She can't get enough of the stuff.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Putting her to work

Putting her to work
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Here is Abigail trying so hard to sweep up something from under the kitchen table. She just loves the broom, I pretty much have to keep it out of sight when she is awake, or she freaks out and wants it. But we just had to big of a mess the other day to wait, so I got it out, and notice she got the broom. She actually drug that thing around forever, it was so funny. Maybe someday soon she'll learn to use the dust pan too.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Take a right at the swings

Take a right at the swings
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Here is a shot of Abigail under the slide the other day while we were at the park. I'm not quite sure what she was pointing at. She sure does love the park though, I think the sand is her favorite part. Though her and some girl we don't know got into quite a sand throwing match. That's when we (I) decided it was time to leave.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Rockin' and readin'

Rockin' and readin'
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Abigail's new thing is to want to climb, everywhere. Well the other morning she was trying her little heart out to climb up into her rocker, but of course it's a little too high, so I picked her up and put her in. She was just too pleased to be sitting up there all by herself, well with Lamby, of course. She looked through a book for a while, but then climbed back down. Sooner than i'd like to admit, i'm sure she'll be big enough to climb up into that chair on her own.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Oh Lamby!

Oh Lamby!
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
This morning a little before nap time, Abigail was definetly giving me some hints that she was ready for sleeping. She'd grab Lamby and go to this little spot on the floor right where the hardwood meets the carpet and lay down. She did this a few times, and I got this great shot. She may be sleepy, but boy I think she is cute stuff!

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Hit me with your best shot

Hit me with your best shot
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
So Abigail got her flu shot today. And I know, you're saying, "Poor thing, must have been horrible, especially to make you make a face like that." But guess again, my friend, the face you see here has nothing to do with her shot, this is her getting way too worked up because she sees the toast in the toaster and wants it, but it's not ready yet. Talk about a DRAMA QUEEN!!! As for the shot she did great, hardly made a wimper, got at cute smily face stamp on her hand, and we just came home, and went outside and played like it was any other day. Does this girl needs to get her priorities straight, or what?

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Give me some sugar

Give me some sugar
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Last Thursday we had some friends over, along with their two children Hannah and Trent. We had a great dinner and a great time just hanging out. Abigail and Trent had the best time by far, they just ran around and played together so good. It was really funny to watch. Abigail isn't around other kids that much, so it was especially hilarious to watch her interact with Trent. Here, right before they left for the evening is Abigail planting one on him. It was actually one of quite a few kisses she gave Trent throughout the evening. He doesn't look too excited in this picture, but believe me, he didn't complain.

Girl talk

Girl talk
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Here are Hannah and Abigail sharing a very important moment, as Trent makes off with a duck in the background. It was really cute how Abigail put her head down trying to mimic Hannah's position, sweet girls.