The adventures of the Reilly family.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Kisses for Daddy

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Samuel really loves his Daddy! He's letting him know by a full face hug and kiss.

Bathing beauty

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Our neighbor has let Samuel borrow this cute, tiny little pool. He really loves hanging out in his two inches of water. He's so cute!

Turning around

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Samuel has been sitting for a couple weeks now, but he has gotten much studier the last few days. Yesterday he was sitting in the living room, with some pillows behind him, just in case. When I stepped out in the kitchen to check on dinner, and then came back, he was sitting like this. He has wiggled himself completely around. He was so proud!

So cool

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Here is Josiah all ready to watch the roofers across the street. Snack? Check. Drink? Check. Comfy chair beside Mommy? Check. It was such a great time to watch them. Josiah is such a man!

Watching those roofers

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Josiah is just loving watching the roofers!

Brotherly love!

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Josiah sure does love Samuel. And the feeling is mutual!

Look what I caught

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Josiah and Abigail love bugs. They always have. I bought them some bug catchers and it's been great fun ever since. However, Josiah has become a tiny bit obsessed with catching the bees that are on the clover. Last week though, he was trying to catch one for Abigail and got stung. It sure didn't stop him long. Here he is with one he caught in his catcher. Proud as can be.

Sitting with my bug

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Sweet Samuel sitting so good! The pillows there just in case, he's getting so big so fast. He just looks so sweet just sitting there.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I've only grown how much?

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Silly boy scratching his ear. So we took him to the doctor yesterday, and to my surprise he hasn't "grown" all that much. According to the scales he only gained a little over a pound in weight. He is now 15 lbs and 15 ozs. He's also 26 inches long. He has however grown leaps and bounds in what he can do, he's now sitting up all by himself, eating solid food like a champ, and if he can ever figure out how to move forward like he moves backward and side to side, he is going to be crawling for sure. He may be a little guy, but he sure makes up for it in his huge personality! Sweetest baby ever!

Computer time

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Abigail and I have started to play a few games on PBS' website for kids. She loves it, and it teaches her a bunch, and she has gotten really good at them. The one she likes best is SuperWhy, where she has to spell things, complete sentences, or choice correct letters matching sounds in order to win prizes. The crazy thing is that she can do most of it without me helping her. I'll sit with her and watch but she rarely needs my help. She's getting to be such a big girl, i'm sure she's going to do great in Kindergarten.

I know it means I love you!

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Josiah has always been a very lovey boy, snuggles and kisses are plenty with him. He also isn't afraid to say he loves you. But he and I (Allison) have started this silly little thing where we do the I love you "sign" really fast to each other. I'll do it, then he'll laugh, and do it. Here he is flashing his sign to me on a walk the other day. I'm on the other side of the street. It's silly, and fun, but I know it means I love you!

On a mission

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Here is Abigail on a walk with her baby the other day. She looks very determined to get where she's going.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

This is how I feel about the car ride

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Here is Josiah, a little loopy from the ride. He's stabbing himself with a plastic screwdriver from his tool kit. He really did a great job on the ride, but I thought this was too funny not to share.

Picnic lunch

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
These are 3 of the best kids ever! I just have to start out by saying that. This past week we set out with all them for a trip back to Marion, NC where we used to live. It was about a 9 hour trip, and they all did great. Here they are enjoying a lunch we packed for the road. It was a great stop, we laid out our blanket under a tree, and they all got to stretch out. It was especially nice for Samuel, who loves some floor time, but really can't get it in the car. He was beside himself with excitement. The other two loved it too. We ate, went potty, skipped around a bit, then got back in the van for some naps. It was a great trip!

Reillys on the Rock

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Chimney Rock was always one of our favorite places in NC, so of course we had to make the trek while we were down that way. On Saturday John, the kids and I and our friends Ashley and Chrissy headed out. It was a great time. It was a little disappointing at first, as much of the old paths we loved to hike were closed, but it ended up being a really nice day. Samuel hung out in his carrier, talking and singing to anyone who passed. The older two kids loved walking on big rocks and looking out at the great views. But the best part of all, according to Abigail, and I agree, was the huge waterfall at the end It is one of tallest waterfalls in the eastern US and it didn't disappoint. At other times we've seen it it has looked like nothing more than a glorified waterhose dripping off the side of the cliff. But due to the large amounts of rain recently in the area, it was huge, and roaring and gorgeous. We ended the day at the Chimney Rock Cafe where we had a great lunch and the kids got to play in the river a bit.

I love Chrissy!

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Can't you just hear his sweet little voice and that squeal that goes behind that smile, saying, "I love you Chrissy!"

Hold on tight!

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John took each of the kids down to stand right by the waterfall. Abigail was a little unsure, but holding on to Daddy she felt oh so safe.

Abigail and Daddy!

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The scary walk down was worth it, and Abigail held on tight. Here she is happy to be with Daddy!

Daddy, Josiah and a big waterfalll

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After the long walk with the promise of a waterfall at the end, Josiah was not disappointed. He thought it was really cool!

Abigail sized hole

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Abigail thought this little cut out in the rocks was so cool, because it was Abigail sized. Josiah is hanging out with Ashley there in the back, or rather Ashley is trying to keep him from climbing over the rails.

Takign a break with Chrissy

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Samuel was quite the trooper on our hike. Here he is with a cup of water posing for a nice picture.

Ever the model

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Abigail posing for the camera on top of the rock!

On the rock

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Abigail and Josiah on top of Chimney Rock. Little did they know we had so much more to climb.

Mommy and her kids in orange

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I did not dress them alike on purpose, but they were cute all the same. Here we are on a big rock at our friend Bob and Julie's house where we stayed while in Marion.

Ready, aim, fire!

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
I just really think that Abigail's face in this is too funny!

The lunch bunch

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What great fun it was to get together with some old friends for lunch while in marion. The kids had all grown so much it was weird to see them all. We had planned on going to the park, but it rained, so we dined at Sarah's house instead. Good time!!!

Noah and Samuel

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Samuel was quite the attraction for Noah. He really was so good with him and made him laugh so much. Samuel thought he was pretty cool too!

The Splash Pad!

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Marion has this really cool thing at the park there. It's called the splash pad. It's a bunch of fountains that squirt right up out of the ground that the kids can just run through. Abigail talked about this weeks before our trip and couldn't wait to go. The day we had originally planned to go it rained, but luckily we were able to go on Saturday instead. It was great fun!


Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Josiah never really did get too close to the water, unlike when he was a baby and we lived in Marion. Back then he'd crawl out to the middle and sit on the fountains and giggle at the water all around. But in his much grown up state he just would run around the circle and laugh or get right up to one of the fountains, then laugh and run back to me. Still so silly, and so fun! Here he is mid run.

Testing the waters

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Sweet Abigail reaching out to touch one of the fountains.

Looking on

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I love this picture because Abigail is looking on in anticipation and ornery Josiah can be seen in the background running so fast.


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Abigail trying to escape the fountains.

Oh, the memories

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Jack Frost! What more can I say really. The best ice cream, the place where Abigail took her first steps in order to steal a bite of said ice cream, and the place that I indulged every Thursday night after childbirth classes before Abigail was born. I'm pretty much sure this may have had something to do with the fact that she weighed almost 9 lbs at birth. Anyway, it was definitely one place we couldn't pass up while in Marion, and the kids love it! Who am I kidding, we all did!

MMMM Jack Frost

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Abigail's favorite ice cream is blueberry, and boy was she excited to get a cone from good old Jack Frost!

Monday, June 01, 2009


Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Guess what?


Josiah has been waiting and waiting to go see his Pap's new backhoe. I'm sure if you follow our blog at all you know that Josiah is such a fan of big machinery. He loves tractors and cranes and backhoes and bulldozers. He even loves the trash truck that comes to our house.

When he heard that his Pap was buying a backhoe he talked about it for weeks. Well, yesterday we drove down to visit with Bonky and Pappy and the backhoe. He had such a great day.

Let's go!

Let's go!
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Let's go play on it!

Getting instructions from Pappy

Before firing the backhoe up, Pappy gave Josiah and Abigail some instructions on what he was going to be doing and how they can watch him from a safe distance.

Josiah was excited to watch his Pap dig in the dirt with the new backhoe, but I think Pap was just as excited to show off a bit for the little man. I believe Pap is Josiah's second favorite guy in the whole world. (Second to me of course). :)

Dig Pappy, dig!

Dig Pappy, dig!
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Pappy drove over to a bank where he is trying to clear out some old stumps. He has been working on the bank this past week, but he told us that he saved a few until Josiah came.

Here is our little man finally getting his backhoe fix. He has been waiting for weeks to see Pappy's new "toy".


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Josiah could stand and watch Pappy do this all day. He loves machinery like this.

Teaching Samuel

Teaching Samuel
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There is no doubt that Josiah knows everything about backhoes, bulldozers, name it. He loves this stuff. And he has made it his personal mission to teach his little brother, Samuel, all about them. Here he is explaining to Samuel exactly what Pappy is doing with the backhoe.

Ridin' with Pap.

Ridin' with Pap.
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
This picture is a bit hard to understand, but Josiah is taking a ride with Pappy in this picture. I had a hard time shooting off the camera because I was also trying to hold onto Josiah (notice my hand) and trying to not get run over.

Josiah though all of those levers and pedals were cool. I'm sure he was tempted to push or pull them.

Could not be happier

Could not be happier
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While Pappy used the scoop to dig out some roots from the bank, Josiah sat in the driver's seat and helped out. He was so excited to run the backhoe that he could barely contain his smile. What a man's man!

Dresses and Backhoes

Dresses and Backhoes
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Abigail was interested in the backhoe too, but only once it was parked and turned off. She has a bit of a tomboy streak in her, but not much. She liked the backhoe, but she wore a dress while she pretended to drive it.

Pretty girl

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Abigail with her beach ball. She just gets prettier every day!


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Cool man Josiah being a rebel and trying to go UP the slide. I took the picture, then mad him get down and go up the ladder.

I Love to bounce

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These pics are a bit old, but here is Samuel in his doorway bouncer for the first time. He really loved it! Such a sweet little man.

Bouncy fun

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Man his chin looks extra big in this picture. But he is so cute!