The adventures of the Reilly family.

Saturday, February 27, 2010


Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Abigail and I went to the library for their family Bingo night this past week. It was so much fun, and she was so proud to win, 4 TIMES! She won an eraser, free Happy Meal coupons, and a book. The caller would say an object and Abigail would have to find what letter it began with. It sure was a ton of fun!

Letter fun

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
We bought these foam alphabets for Abigail's first birthday. While we knew she wasn't really ready for letters then, we knew we'd use them a bunch over the years. And we sure have. I got them out the other day and it was nonstop fun. We made a big mat (or dance pad as the kids called it) and put all the letters in order, made a big long road out of the for their cars to drive on, or here Abigail is making big cubes out of them. I also want to let you know how proud we are of Josiah, he's really learning his letters great. When they were all laid out in a mat or in a row, i'd say a letter and he'd jump to it, then we'd do it again. Learning AND exercise, can't beat it!

Samuel in a box

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
After Abigail built the letter box, Samuel got in it. Something he's seen his brother and sister do so many times. Oh, my little robots! Love them!

Get you!

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Samuel crawled through one of the blocks Abigail made and tried to get me and the camera. He's so silly!

My little artists

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
A few years ago my (Allison) sister gave the kids an aquadoodle floor pad. This thing is really cool. You just draw on it with water and it makes it show up blue. Great fun! And the only mess is the water. So the other day I thought it would be a fun and different thing for the boys and I to do, since it was yet again, snowing. We used different sized paintbrushes, and I cut shapes out of sponge for stamps. Josiah enjoyed the shapes for a while, but in the end they both just liked seeing who could cover the mat fastest with water. I love being their Mommy!

Serious art going on

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Samuel is really thinking hard about using that paintbrush.

I love to paint

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Samuel having a great time painting. He sure was wet when he was done.


Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Samuel is very excited about the balloons! The face he is making is funny. It's an excited face each of the kids has made. Silly!

Stuck on you

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Josiah though it was so silly the balloon stuck to his face without him holding it. Could've been all the static in his hair.

Balancing act

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Abigail is so proud of herself for being able to balance a balloon on her finger!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

That's so cool

That's so cool
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Samuel saw something in the living room this morning that none of us have seen in quite a while. THE SUN!!!! He thought it was so cool. He pointed at it from across the room, made a cute noise, then ran over to it, and was so excited to meet his shadow.

I love me!

I love me!
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Even his shadow is cute!!!!

Big boy, big apple

Big boy, big apple
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Samuel has always loved apples, they are his favorite fruit by far. I usually cut them up into little finger food sized pieces, but this day he insisted on eating mine, big. He's so cute!


Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Samuel is threatening me, I think, if I touch his apple.

Yummy mess

Yummy mess
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
he's covered in apple! It was good!!!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Playpen silliness

Playpen silliness
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Samuel is so silly. I usually put him in the playpen while i'm cooking dinner, to avoid any burns or me tripping over him. He is actually happier in there sometimes than out. Here he is making a very silly face for me. He is my little man!!!!


5 days later
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
They said it was going to be a big storm....It started on Friday about lunch time. For a really long time it just didn't lay. The kids were disappointed when they got up from their naps and they could still see the grass. Well the snow kept coming, and coming and coming. And by noon the next day we had about 24 inches of snow!!!!! It cleared up and we were able to go out a bit. But then it snowed more on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. We ended up with maybe 30 inches in all! So here is the view of our back bushes now. You can almost not tell where the bushes end and the ground starts, in fact in a few places they overlap. NUTS!!!! We may not see the grass again until March!

It's up to my belly!

It's up to my belly!
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Here is Josiah standing on the neighbors walk after it was shoveled. It was so deep! We could only let the kids play on the places that were already shoveled.

Goobers in a hole

Goobers in a hole
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
The kids really wanted to play out in the yard, but it was just way too deep. John dug a little hole for them to stand in. Check out how deep it is!

Sun after the storm

Sun after the storm
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Isn't it all so pretty with the blue sky behind it?

Bird feeder

Bird feeder
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
We were constantly amazed over the course of the storm how much snow collected on the bird feeder without falling off.

Jeep in the snow

Jeep in the snow
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Daddy's Jeep got a little buried when the storm hit. Each time the plow came by it only got deeper and deeper. But he had no trouble getting it out. Awesome!

Reading buddies

Reading buddies
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How cute are they sitting in the chair so sweet reading their books.

That isn't what it says

That isn't what it says
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
What cute boys! Samuel loves his big brother.

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Trying to pick.

Trying to pick.
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
This past Thursday we decided to surprise the kids with a treat out. We took them to dinner at their favorite place to eat, Chick-Fil-A at the Ross Park Mall. Then we headed over to Build-A-Bear.

We have always wanted to take them to Build-A-Bear, so this was a treat for us as well. It was so fun watching them pick out their animals (ironically enough neither was a bear), stuff them, inspect them, wash them, and dress them.

We had a great time. Here are a few pictures of our adventure out.

We have chosen!

We have chosen!
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A frog named Kermit and a dog named Angel. Abigail picked a very colorful puppy and named her "Angel". Josiah picked out a frog and, or course, named him "Kermit".

I'm stuffed.

I'm stuffed.
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
The kids got to step on the pedal that made the stuffing machine work. It was loud so Josiah put his hands on his ears for protection. Here he is getting his frog stuffed.

I'm stuffed.

I'm stuffed.
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Abigail is helping to stuff her new friend.

Inspection time.

Gettin' a bath
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
After they chose their animal, stuffed them with stuffing, a heart, and love, Abigail and Josiah had to test them out by giving them a good look over and a hug to make sure they were up to speed.

Gettin' a bath

Gettin' a bath
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Here they are working together to get their new pals clean.

Gettin' a bath

Gettin' a bath
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Josiah was fascinated with the air that blew out of the shower heads. Head kept stepping on the pedal that made it work and sticking his hand up by it. (Good thing his frog was already clean).

All done!

All done!
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Here they are...all finished and ready to take their creations home! We had such a good time at Build-A-Bear!