The adventures of the Reilly family.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
This past Saturday was Harvest Fest at our church, the theme this year was based around Narnia. And here is a picture of Abigail trying to play some golf in the "snow." I think she got a little confused by the artic motif cause I think she looks more like she's ready to play hockey rather than golf. I mean look at the form, definetly more Wayne Gretsky than Arnold Palmer.

Ahh, reesie!

Ahh, reesie!
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
So Abigail can't exactly say horsey, so it comes out sounding much like reese, as in the peanut butter cup, which is so cute. Here she is at Harvest Fest petting a miniature horse, she is so sweet!

Monday, October 30, 2006

All bundled up

All bundled up
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Here is Josiah, happy as can be to be headed out into the cold. I guess he knows there is nothing to fear, as long as he has his Alaska polar bear hat on. Thanks Bonky!!

Friday, October 27, 2006

A Future in Fashion?

A Future in Fashion?
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Like every little girl in history Abigail loves to dress herself. And since its good practice I let her do it as long as we aren't going out in public, of course. So here she is, fashion diva that she is, dressed in her pajama top, a denim jumper dress, and orange sweatpants. Oh how sweet she is!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

What time did you get up?

What time did you get up?
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Well Josiah hit one of his biggest milestones yet last night, he slept through the night!!!!! Yeah!!!! Here is a picture of the clock in his room shortly after he opened those beautiful blue eyes of his. Yup, it says 7:45, crazy! Of course, once I woke up at 6 and realized he hadn't gotten up yet, I went to his room and checked him, and of course, he was fine. But I still slept fitfully for the next hour or so. But now I know he can, so maybe i'll enjoy it more next time. But I am excited none the less, let me say it again, yeah!!!!!

Ahhh...I feel refreshed

Ahhh...I feel refreshed
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Here is my sweet little man giving a big yawn and stretch after I unbuttoned his sleep sack this morning. I think he feels good about sleeping all night.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Mimi's Little Brother.

Mimi's Little Brother.
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Yesterday morning the kids and I were playing in the back of the house when we heard the UPS man drop something off. This is always a highlight, so we rushed to see what he brought. When I looked at the return address, I got so excited, and said, "Abigail, we gotta open this right now!" She started jumping up and down, saying, "something else, something else!" Not sure what she meant, but she quickly joined in on my frantic ripping of the tape that was so strongly securing the box closed. And upon opening the box........I was not disappointed and neither was Josiah, as we had hoped, he now has a lamb of his own! As any of you that have checked this blog regularly have noticed, Abigail has a lamb that she CANNOT live without, she calls her Mimi, because we used to call her Lamby (real origional, I know), but when she started to refer to her, she could say that, so Mimi it is. We are pretty excited to see what Josiah ends up naming him, but for now he's Mimi's little brother or Josiah's own Mimi, as Abigail likes to call him.

Doesn't Josiah look so excited to have his own Lamb? He was flashing some really cute smiles while holding it today, I think he loves is. So we want to say a HUGE Thank You!!!! Jean and Vernon for a gift we hope our little man cannot soon live without. I know you envisioned that for Abigail's and it has become that and so much more, gift that will be treasured forever.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Larry Elephante'

Larry Elephante'
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Larry Elephante' was one of Abigail's favorite toys and we busted him out for Josiah the other day. And as you can see he likes him too. Here they are deep in conversation during some tummy time.

Friday, October 20, 2006

To young to wrestle?

To young to wrestle?
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
One thing that is so fun about my little Abigail is that she loves to wrestle on the floor. Josiah, not wanting to be left out, has taken up the sport as well. Here he is tackling me.

Who says a 7 week old can't take down a grown man? I have so much fun with my two little goobers.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Look, baby in there!

Look, baby in there!
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Here is Abigail pretending to carry her baby like Mommy does Josiah. The Snugli she's using i've never been able to figure out, leave it to the 2 year old to do it.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

That sure is one cool chicken!

Here is Josiah enjoying is overhead gym. He sure does seem to be loving that chicken. He's starting to really become more interactive and stay awake more during the day, we are loving those smiles every chance we get.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

What a funny looking leaf.

What a funny looking leaf.
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Just a few days ago, before it got artic around here, we took to playing in the leaves. Our property is lined in the back with trees, so there were a bunch back there. We got some good playing and good pictures in before Daddy mowed over them too. Here are 3 of the pics that I liked.

Pile of Abigail

Pile of Abigail
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.

Fall Fun

Fall Fun
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Tummy time

Tummy time
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Here is Josiah getting in some tummy time, and of course Abigail always insists on getting in on the action. And usually insists on me doing so too.
It is very sweet and keeps Josiah more entertained during the hard task of lifting up that head.

Look, he's sucking my finger!

Look, he's sucking my finger!
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Then I heard Abigail say, "Look, he's sucking Abigail's finger." And when I walked around the side, sure enough, there he was, happy as can be to be using his sister's finger as a pacifier.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Out on his own

Out on his own
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Here is a picture of Josiah this morning right before he woke up in his crib. He has spent the last 5 1/2 weeks in the bassinet in our room, however, he is perhaps the loudest sleeper, EVER! From grunting for 30 min before he wakes up, or farting more times than we could count. So needless to say he was keeping us up even when he wasn't awake for feedings. So now that he's only getting up about 2 times a night, we booted him across the house to his own room. And boy does he look sweet sleeping there.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Laundry helpers

Laundry helpers
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Abigail has always been my big laundry helper, and here she is at it again. But now i've got Josiah in on the action. He is such a good baby, he is so content just laying there on my lap as we sort the colors. Won't be long before he'll be "helping" like Abigail, which recently means getting the socks and putting them on her hands and running around the house.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Here's smiling at you

Here's smiling at you
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
On Tuesday of this week, I got what every sleepy mommy looks forward to in the weeks after she has her baby. Josiah's first real smile, not because of gas or whatever, but that genuine, hey i'm happy to be with you Mommy smile. After he woke up from his nap, he was so happy laying there in his bed, then before I picked him up I started to talk to him, and he smiled, then again, and again, so I ran for the camera and was able to get this great picture. What a cute little guy!

Friday, October 06, 2006

A little loving for my little brother

Here is a precious little picture of Abigail loving on Josiah. She loves to kiss him. In fact she gives him more kisses than she gives anyone else around here.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Hanging with Mommy

Hanging with Mommy
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Sometimes it is just really hard to carry our little guy around and play with Abigail outside. So that is where the infant carrier comes in mighty handy. I didn't use it very much with Abigail, but it sure has gotten used a bunch this time around already. Here we are, from Daddy's vantage point on the deck, pushing Abigail in her swing. He really likes it outside, but I think he's thinking when will he get a turn at the swing.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Find you!

Find you!
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Like all kids her age Abigail likes to hide, and then pop out way before you've actually looked for her. She'll usually go somewhere and hide for about 10 seconds, and then when the excitement gets to be too much, she pops out and says, "Find You!" like we were the ones hiding, and she was so good to find us. Anyway, here she is hiding behind our front door, she's looking pretty sneaky I think.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

You let me hold Mimi?!?!

You let me hold Mimi?!?!
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
After a major spitup, which thankfully he doesn't do nearly as much as his sister did, the other night I put Josiah in his bouncy seat after stripping him down. I myself (Allison) was also soaked and needed a place to put him down and figured this to be the best place. Well as he lay there all cute and refreshed looking, in not but his diaper Abigail decides he looks cold, and covers him up. She also did something she does a lot of, but we never, ever thought she would...She gave him her lamb, her precious Mimi. She tends to give it to him when he appears upset, guess she figures that is what most makes her feel better, so why not help the little guy out. She is such a great big sister!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Ready for winter

Ready for winter
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Here is Abigail oh so very excited about her new winter gear. We had some friends give us their little girls old stuff, coat and snow pants and even though it was hot as all get out, Abigail wanted them on. She is also sporting the great tobagan that my (Allison) aunt Doris made for her, complete with Redskins colors. It matches the coat so good. Now we're just hoping for some snow, but Bob the weather man says that it'll be nearly 80 all week.