The adventures of the Reilly family.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Pretty snow, pretty girl

Pretty snow, pretty girl
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
This was taken Monday morning, I think. We really didn't see too much snow while in WV for Christmas. But there is still some for Abigail to enjoy out the window here. Or it could be the 300 birds that would just randomly show up, land in the tree, then leave just as quickly. Her smile still just makes me smile, she's so darn cute!

Tea for two

Tea for two
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Abigail LOVES her cousin Timmy. She is shown here serving up some tea from her new tea set. They had a great time just running around. He'd chase her, she'd run to me and just laugh so hard. Good times!

Naked cleaning

Naked cleaning
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Abigail got a sweeper for Christmas, here she is trying it out during her nightly diaper, oh wait, naked time. But she still insisted on her shoes. She did NOT learn this cleaning technique from me!

Cupcake on the move

Cupcake on the move
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Abigail on Christmas morning... Moving faster than light, that's why all the stuff is blurry. She's "munching" on a cupcake that came with her talking tea set.

But to tell the truth she wasn't too crazy, she'd actually stop and play with stuff for a long time, then we'd almost have to make her open something else. It was great fun all the same!

Come on Cole , i'll show you, i'm a pro.

Here is Abigail on Christmas Eve with her cousin Cole. He got this car for Christmas from Grandma and Pappy, but Abigail obviously thinks she knows how to do it better. In fact she spent more of the evening in it than Cole did, poor little guy.

Cooking for Grandma

Cooking for Grandma
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
We just couldn't wait to set up this gift from Grandma, in fact this was taken like 3 days before Christmas. But by far it was her favorite gift, she played with it all the rest of the evening and the next day. She is here with her Grandma making something delicious i'm sure. She loved it so much that she even ditched me during our morning snuggle time on the couch, at 6 or so, to play with the kitchen.

"C" is for Cookie and that's good enough for me.

"C" is for Cookie
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
So i'm a pretty strict Mommy when it comes to what Abigail eats, especially sweets. But her Grandma was making gingerbread men and they were just too cute so I showed one to Abigail. I wasn't really sure she would even know that it was to eat, well not until she bit the poor little guy's head off. (Shown here) She carried it around nibbling at it for what seemed like forever. Merry Christmas!

Wow this cookie is good!!!

Wow this cookie is good!!!
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Abigail really loved that cookie in the last picture. But i'm not entirely sure what this face is all about, but it sure is funny!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Best present ever

Best present ever
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
First of all, take a look at that face, isn't she just too cute for words?

We had our Reilly family Christmas tonight as we are leaving for Grandma's tomorrow, and here is Abigail having a grand old time before anything is even opened up yet. She is just loving sitting on the pile of presents, and the anticipation is almost overwhelming.

Babies in a box

Babies in a box
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
As a recent post mentioned, Abigail got a new doll for Christmas from her Grandma, which she loves. Here she is in the baby's crib, so glad to be holding it. Notice the diaper on the doll. Abigail laid her down on the changing pad and got out the wipes and a diaper and insisted on it. Wow she is silly!

Stop....Puzzle time!

Stop....Puzzle time!
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Big thanks to our friend Karen who gave Abigail this puzzle. Not only does she love puzzles but it's a puzzle with animals, which are her favorite. She just had to give it a try right after opening it.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Take your bottle!!!

Take your bottle!!!
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Abigail unwrapped a gift from her Grandma Prysock today, a new baby doll. She really loves this thing, way more than the one she already had. She carried it around for like 45 minutes, occasionally kissing it, or putting it in to the crib I made out of a box and some blankets. She even climbed up into her rocker and rocked it for a bit. Here she is trying to give it its bottle. Notice its back is bent over the box and she's shoving the bottle in her face. I feel her pain, Abigail would just nurse and refused taking a bottle at like 2 months, and sometimes we felt like bending her over and just shoving it in. But of course we never really did that.

Window dressin

Window dressin
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
One of Abigail's favorite things is to hide in the folds of the curtains in our bedroom. Generally she just wraps herself up until you say, "where's Abigail a couple of times, and then pops out giggling. Well the other day she was having fun just wrapping up everything but her head and smilng really big back at us.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

I saw Abigail kissing...the Christmas tree?

Abigail has really taken to our tree. She doesn't touch it much. Though she wants to sometimes, so I have encouraged her to wave at the baby in the shiny ornaments. Here she is seen taking that a step further and giving it a kiss.

Sweet baby

Sweet baby
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Abigail rarely plays with her doll, maybe like 10 times since she got it for her birthday. And even then it's like for 5 seconds, then she tosses it. But this morning as we were playing she goes over to the toy box, says baby, and pulls it out. Then she proceeds to rock it in her arms like, well, a baby. Here she is gently trying to put it's binky back in. All gentleness stopped a minute later when she tossed the baby acroos the kitchen.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Miss you!

Miss you!
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Here's Abigail enjoying her snack, sending a message to her Daddy! She sure does miss you!

Monday, December 12, 2005

I think you're funny

I think you're funny
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
We had one of our friends and her son Noah over for dinner Saturday night. The kids were crazy, he'd just chase Abigail and she'd run and giggle. That was hard to get on film, so we posed them, or at least attempted to. Here is Abigail thinking Noah is oh so silly.

If the shoe fits

If the shoe fits
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Abigail loves shoes! Even if they are not her own. While Noah was over the other day we were all in the kitchen, except for Abigail, then in she runs wearing Noah's shoe. She got it on all by herself and was quite proud. She sat down and tried to tie it too, but that would be a bit advanced for a 16 month old.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Standing on top of the world

Standing on top of the world
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Ok, so maybe not standing on top of the world, but she sure is standing in the window. Don't gasp in horror, i'm really not that bad of a mother, the window is only about 6 inches off the ground. But needless to say she's a climber, she climb or attempt to climb onto anything. What is funny are her little toes gripping the ledge. What a silly goose.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Big helper

Big helper
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
We put up our Christmas tree yesterday. We won't actually be here for Christmas so we did it a little early. This is actually the first year Abigail has any interest in anything going on. Last year she was 5 months old, and only cared when she'd get fed next. She hasn't been feeling well, but she did perk up to help with the tree a bit. The green balls are plastic, so we let her "help" a bit with those. Fun times!!!


Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Here is Abigail touching one of the ornaments on the tree, she really loves it. But she actually doesn't bother it at all, suprisingly enough.You may have to click on the photo to make it bigger to really see it good. What a sweet moment.

Doesn't quite fit

Doesn't quite fit
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Abigail has been feeling a bit out of sorts lately, and so she has actually been snuggling and falling asleep just about anywhere. Including here on the couch where I remember not too long ago she used to take most of her naps. She doesn't exactly fit anymore, huh?

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Cheerios and LadyBugs

Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
One of the many fun games Abigail like to play is the "put something in my mouth" game. She finds something and puts it in her mouth. That is the game.

The other day Allison said, "What's in your mouth?" Nothing. "Are you sure there is nothing in your mouth?" Nothing.

A little later something did come out of her mouth. A ladybug wing. Evidently Abigail was munchin' on a bug earlier. Mmmmm.

She must get eating bugs from her mother. :)