The adventures of the Reilly family.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Kickin' Back

Kickin' Back
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
We don't let Abigail put her feet up on the table at home, so we thought it was more than appropriate to go ahead and let her do it while we were staying at a friend's house in Huntington a few weeks back. Well ok, we're really not that rude. But here she is with those cute little toes all kicked back. Man, don't you just want to bite them?

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Swimming Beauty

Swimming Beauty
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Abigail posing so cute in her bathing suit. It would be a super great picture if she wasn't sitting on dirty concrete in front of our yucky crawl space door, with all that wood behind her. But focus on the beauty of the picture...Abigail.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Some Tree Fun

Some Tree Fun
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Another great shot of Abigail in her shades. Doesn't she look too cool under that tree?

Sunday, June 25, 2006


Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
We recently took a trip back to Huntington, WV for a suprise birthday party. It was a Luau theme, so we dressed Abigail up very festive. She is actually wearing a dress that a friend of ours bought her in Hawaii, how much more authentic can you get? Anyway, despite the fact that it was like 57 degrees we had a great time and looked good doing it, or at least Abigail did. But needless to say we did not go swimming.

Saturday, June 24, 2006


Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Abigail loves her swing, but recently she really doesn't swing in it so much herself, but rather she likes to push other things. For instance she found a worm and put him in the seat and then pushed him for a while, sometimes it's a flower, or her baby, but as you can see whatever it is she sure has fun.

Friday, June 23, 2006


Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
While seperating some of Abigail's old clothes the other day to give to our friend Sarah, who is having a girl in November, Abigail decided it looked too comfy not to climb in. She actually fits so well we're thinking of storing her this way to keep her fresh!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Stylish Little Girl

Stylish Little Girl
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
So here we are! Blogging again! It has been a while, but we have transitioned computers...finally!

Here is Miss Abigail being ever-so-stylish in her new shades. She has recently taken a great liking to riding in my (John's) Jeep. We bought her some glasses to keep the wind and sun out of her face while we ride. She is obsessed with riding in the Jeep. She says, "Abigail ride around in Jeep now?" What a cute girl.

Well...stay tuned for more fun blogs!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Mac Mini

Mac Mini
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
You may have noticed that we have been really slack on blogging lately. Well...we retired our old computer. We bought it right after we got married and it was starting to be stupid, so we chucked it and bought a new Mac Mini.

So keep checking our blog for more Abigail adventures. We will have the Mac up and running soon!


Thursday, June 01, 2006

Bert, Ernie, and Grapes

Bert, Ernie, and Grapes
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Here is a picture of Abigail really into watching some Seasame Street the other day. I think she is just too funny with her legs crossed watching so seriously. She's also got her grapes in a bowl beside her that she shared with Mommy. In fact any time I get grapes out she says, "Share" because she wants to share them with me, how sweet!