The adventures of the Reilly family.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

We're all in this together

We're all in this together
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
This past week or so has been rather crazy for the Reillys. First John got sick with the flu or something that put him out for quite a while, then I got it, then the kids started feeling yucky. Josiah wanted to let Abigail know that we were all in this together, so he climbed on the couch and was hugging all over her, just smiling. Didn't get the smiles in this picture, but still cute stuff. The worst however came last Saturday into Sunday when Josiah had to be put into the hospital for the croup. He was given breathing treatments, some steroids and some popsicles. He even got to have his first ride in an ambulance when they transfered him from one hospital to the Children's hospital. He came home Monday around lunchtime and is doing much better. Abigail was a great big sister during all of it and missed being with Josiah during his time away.We are all on the mend now, but definitely looking forward to spring!


Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Here are some pictures of Josiah enjoying a Popsicle last week when he had a fever, it was his first one ever, and I think he liked it.

My popcicle face is cute, isn't it?

Oh my gosh, I love this kid. I seriously don't think he can get much cuter, I mean he's even cute when he's sick.

Feeling yucky, but popcicles help

What a face, he looks pitiful, but still so cute.

Monday, February 18, 2008

New pals

New pals
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Last week Josh and his mom Stacey came to hang out with us. The kids had a great time, and I tried to get a good picture of the cute hug these two were giving each other right before Josh left, but couldn't. Here they are awkward smiles and all, but so very cute. It's so fun making new friends!

Hug or head lock?

Hug or head lock?
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Here's Josh giving Josiah a hug goodbye, looks a bit more like a headlock to me. All in good fun!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Totally rad

Totally rad
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
I was just goofing off the other day and put Abigail's hair in a side pony tail. What a beautiful tribute to the '80's she is. The funny thing is she asked me to do it again the next day. But no way, that was a fad that died away, and should stay that way.

I'm rad too!

I'm rad too!
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
After I took Abigail's picture, Josiah stepped right up and get his too. What a ham!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Cute cupcake

Cute cupcake
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Abigail was so excited for her Valentine's Day surprise when she went downstairs this morning and found this cupcake and some candy waiting for her on Daddy's chair. Thanks so much Bonky!!!


Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Rarrrr!!! That's the noise Josiah made this morning when he went downstairs and found his alligator and tackled it. Thanks Bonky!!!

Trying to make it fit

Trying to make it fit
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Josiah trying to put the cupcake in the bag that the candy came in. I don't think it'll fit Josiah, and what's up with your hair?

Stickin 'em

Stickin 'em
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Thanks for the stickers too! They are so much fun!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Enjoying a sip

Enjoying a sip
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
I don't have any pics of us playing in the snow this time around, though it was our biggest snow yet since moving to Pittsburgh. I just didn't want to have to wrestle the kids and camera this time. We had fun, and made a really lame snowman, due to the snow being mostly "powdery." as Abigail says, or ice. But here are some pics of afterward, Abigail enjoying some hot cocoa, she's my sweety!

Good to the last drop

Good to the last drop
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Here is Abigail finishing off the cocoa, I think she would have licked the bottom of the cup if her tongue would have reached.

That was so good

That was so good
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Abigail really enjoyed her hot cocoa. Here she is sporting a rather large mustache, but a big smile too!

Hot cocoa mustache

Hot cocoa mustache
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Here is a really good zoomed in view of the crazy hot cocoa mustache Abigail got.

Monday, February 11, 2008

The Reillys

The Reillys
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Here we are! You can't imagine how hard it is to get four people to look at one camera for even the most brief second.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Look at my tongue!

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Josiah striking a very silly pose.