The adventures of the Reilly family.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Sweetest picture ever!

Sweetest picture ever!
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
So Abigail was in a grumpy mood today, what's new? But anyway, she curled up on the couch with her Mimi and Bonky blanket and I told her she could chill for a bit. Josiah, being the ever so sensitive young man that he is, recognized that she was upset. He climbed up on the couch with her, and gave her a sweet little kiss.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Cutie in blue undies

Cutie in blue undies
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Josiah has been potty training these last few weeks, and i've been a little scared to put him in underwear because of obvious reasons. Though I don't really believe in Pull-Ups, we went straight to underwear for Abigail and it was very successful. The last few days he has done so good with doing poopy in the potty that I thought he could move on up to underwear during the day. He is still my little man, but getting so big. And isn't he cute in his little undies!!!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Hammering man

Hammering man
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Ok, so I uploaded some pictures after dinner, but then realized I just had to add a few more, and this video of Josiah and his handy work. This is the shorter of the two videos I got. I like this one best because I think its funny he uses the speed square.

just hammering around

just hammering around
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Josiah getting close to his work

Getting it just right

Getting it just right
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Just another cute shot, he is so precise.

Making sure its square

Making sure its square
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Josiah sure has loved watching his Daddy build the tower for the slide. Here he is checking up on his work, just to make sure he did it righ.

Just like Lucy

Just like Lucy
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
When I saw Abigail doing this today I thought she looked just like that episode of I Love Lucy where she stomps the grapes. One question, where's Ethel?

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Future carpenter?

Future carpenter?
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
John is in the process of building the kids an awesome swing set. Last night after dinner he was sanding down some of the posts. Of course Josiah, being the all boy he is, wanted to give it a go. Here he is in action. He did so good, stayed right where he was supposed to, and helped Daddy out, for real. We think he may have a future here. Enjoy!

Big helper, big concentration

Josiah is so cute helping his Daddy sand, look at the tongue hanging out. It really does help I think.

Abigail helps too

Abigail helps too
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Not to be outdone, here is Abigail giving the sander a whirl.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Playdough letters

Playdough letters
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
The other day, when Josiah laid down for his nap, as is our custom Abigail and I did something fun before she then laid down. We decided to make letters out of playdough. Here is what she made, it only goes A-J as we ran out of playdough. She wanted me to take a picture of her good work, so here you go.

Proud of her creation

Proud of her creation
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Of course she had to pose with her creation. She is so sweet and so smart!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Where is your ear?

Where is your ear?
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
This is a new feature on the website that we use to post our pictures on the blog. So I thought i'd give it a try. This is a video of Abigail and Josiah after lunch one day, she is asking him where his various body parts are and he responds very enthusiastically. It was very cute, and I was amazed that they kept doing it even after I got the camera. So here it goes, hope it works!

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Super soaker

Super soaker
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Josiah has really been into squirt guns recently. But on this day he thought that wasn't nearly good enough, and got the hose. Look at his face, he is too excited to be soaking me. It was really hard to try to get the shot without getting the camera wet.

Sharp shooter Abigail

Sharp shooter Abigail
Originally uploaded by TheReillys

We got the kids a little pool last weekend and being over 90 here in Pittsburgh the last few days we've really logged the time out there. The kids have also really been into squirt guns recently too, especially Josiah. But here is Abigail trying to get me! AAAAAAA!!!!!

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Doesn't she look fierce

Doesn't she look fierce
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
This was by far THE scariest thing we saw at the zoo! YIKES!

Gazing in wonder

Gazing in wonder
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
We kept waiting and waiting for the polar bear to jump in the water, but he just kept walking back and forth on the edge. Abigail really wanted to see him swim.

Polar bear upclose

Polar bear upclose
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
It seemed as though we got to see everything up close on this trip. This bear actually a few seconds later walked up to us at the glass and pressed it's nose right up to Abigail. It made her jump, but she really thought it was cool.

Cute girl with a fish

Cute girl with a fish
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
The zoo also has an aquarium with lots of really cool fish. It's pretty hard to get good pictures in there, but this is pretty sweet. After we left the zoo, she actually said that the fish were some of her favorite things.


Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Does the gorilla look like he's yawning to you? I think it does. Maybe he was bored with us.

Cool boy

Cool boy
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Josiah enjoying some lunch after a hard day at the zoo. Though i'm really not sure how hard it is to be pushed around, then picked up to look at stuff, but oh well, he looks cool.