The adventures of the Reilly family.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Cutest zebra ever, hooves down!

Today was the Halloween party/parade at Abigail's school. Here is our little zebra (thanks for the great costume Cole!) in her classroom. They started the day by doing a parade around the daycare that is attached to the school. Being sure not to scare the babies when they went upstairs, Abigail told me. Then they paraded outside for all the parents to see. Next we went inside for cookies, juice, games, crafts, and some songs and a Halloween story. It was really cute to see her being there in her little class, so grown up.

Have you ever seen a zebra do crafts?

The day also included crafts. Good times!

Craft man

Craft man
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
The teachers were so gracious as to let Josiah participate in some crafts too. Here he is sticking stuff on a foam pumpkin with much concentration.

This is how you do it Josiah

Josiah also tried his hand at some games, here is big sister zebra trying to give him instructions on the bean bag toss to the freaky clown game. And I know the picture is sideways, I was too lazy to change it. Sorry!


Originally uploaded by TheReillys
We were going for the construction worker look, but since he ditched the hat and tool belt, and is sitting behind the wheel, I think he looks more like a trucker. Though i'm pretty sure i've never seen a trucker that is this handsome.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Happy big boy

Happy big boy
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Josiah is growing up, too fast at times for Mommy. He seems to be jumping over those big boy hurdles so quickly, feeding himself, helping clean up toys, wearing underwear all the time. And he jumped his last one last night when he jumped into his real bed for the first time. He was very excited about it, and made sure that everyone knew that the bed was his. He slept there all night without falling out, and only woke up twice feeling a little insecure, but after a quick hug and kiss he was ready to sleep again. When morning rolled around he got up and came to the gate in the door way, and yelled, "Mama! Out!" What a big boy, that is oh so sweet! Though I think even when he's bigger than me, he'll still be my little man.

Asleep at last

Asleep at last
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
What a cute little man, asleep in his big boy bed!

Running 'round the pole...

Saturday morning I (John) turned on some music and me and the kids danced around the "pole" in our house for about a half an hour. I took a break from the dancing and running to snap some pictures. Here is Abigail making her rounds.

It was a fun Saturday morning.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Children of the corn

Children of the corn
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
So we have this ornamental grass on our front bank, it has pretty much taken over and I plan on removing a bunch of it. The kids think that it looks a lot like corn stalks and like to pretend like they're in a corn maze in it. This afternoon they did just that and I got some cute pics, like this one after they fell down laughing from walking so hard in the maze.

He loves her so much

He loves her so much
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Title says it all. He really does love her so much!

Silly boy in the corn

Silly boy in the corn
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
He thinks he's going to get me!

Pretty in purple

Pretty in purple
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Abigail loves to play in the "corn" what a sweet girl she is.

Laying around

Laying around
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
I love this picture of my little man. He's got that ever so small smile that is too cute!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Testing out the camera

Testing out the camera
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
So our camera, that we bought just before Abigail was born, died this past week. It was a great camera and lasted us a really long time, and we probably got thousands of pictures out of it. We went ahead and got a new one pretty quickly, we can't let all the great moments around here go without being captured. Especially with Reilly number 3 a mere 9 weeks away. The next few pictures are the first shots on the new camera.

Does my face say ornery?

Does my face say ornery?
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
He is all boy. Let me rephrase that, he is all 2 year old boy! We love him so much, but he is ornery for sure!

Abigail diggin some dirt

Abigail diggin some dirt
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Ok, so to preface the next few pictures I need to say, "We've got a huge hole in our driveway!" John has worked hard all weekend to dig it up since we have, what our plumber friend suspects, a collapsed pipe, 5 feet below the surface of the driveway. The kids loved it of course, and we let them help out a bit when the hole was just starting out, and then get in it when it wasn't just to feel how cool it was to be so deep down. Here is our little princess, never afraid to get dirty! She's still beautiful, even in a hole!

Extracting Abigail from the hole

Abigail needed a helping hand to get back out of the big hole. It was a fun ride.

Helping out

Helping out
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Josiah loves tools as we've mentioned before. So when the site of Daddy digging this enormous hole in the driveway when he woke up from his nap the other day was almost too much for him. Here he is IN the hole trying his hand at digging and examining his find.

Daddy and Josiah in a hole

What silly boys we have around our house!

Attempting to summit the pile

Abigail of course needed to see if she could climb the pile of dirt that came out of the hole. The picture will show you, she was!

Sitting on the pile

Sitting on the pile
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Abigail and Josiah love the huge pile of dirt and were having a blast just sitting on it.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Having a great day!

Having a great day!
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Today is Columbus day, so everyone has the day off. We made plans to go to Reilly's Summer Seat Farm for some hay rides, pumpkins, and a picnic. Reilly's is a great farm and greenhouse here in Pittsburgh. We're not directly related to these Reilly's, but I'm sure somewhere down the line we are. That didn't get us any free pumpkins though.

We had a great morning running around the farm, picking pumpkins, playing in the dirt, and having a picnic. Here are some of our pictures!

Pumpkin Farmer

Pumpkin Farmer
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
One time I (John) looked up and saw this. Josiah was out exploring the patch trying to find the one he wanted. He's such a cute little man.

Daddy...I think I've found the one for me.

We told the kids that they could each pick out their own pumpkin to bring home. Josiah picked all of them...that is...he made sure that he looked at and touched each one (out of thousands of pumpkins). Here he is discovering the one he would bring home.

My pumpkins among the pumpkins

Here is OUR pumpkins sitting among the pumpkins. You can see that Josiah dressed for the part of "farmer" today. He loved running around the fields and playing in the dirt. He also liked finding giant pumpkins that were too big for him to pick up....and then trying to pick them up. He also liked finding little pumpkins and chucking them like shot puts. We put a stop to that! What a boy!

Abigail liked helping her little brother pick his pumpkin out. The small one under her hand is what he brought home. She said, "This one is Josiah size". What a cute pair!


Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Here is farmer Abigail driving her way around the farm....which is really quite a feat when your tractor doesn't have a steering wheel.

Super Slide!

Super Slide!
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Yes, this slide is as amazing as it looks. Reilly's farm has a giant slide that begins at the top of a hill and slides forever. Abigail and Josiah both slid down it many times. Here is out daredevil going head first without any hesitation.

Summer Louge?

Summer Louge?
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Here is Abigail taking her turn on the slide.

Our children of the corn

Our children of the corn
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
A part of the farm experience was a corn maze. The maze was perfect for the little kids, but a bit tight for their parents. We had to keep calling out to Abigail to make sure she stayed with us. One time she ran down a path and around the corner. When I called for her she calmly said, "Hi Daddy." She popped her head out of the wall of corn between the two of us. Evidently the path backtracked to where I was.

Ba-a-a-ad kids...hey...that's two puns.

Here are Josiah and Abigail trying very hard to reach the holes for their picture.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Taking a stroll

Taking a stroll
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
This past Saturday we took a trip to Jewett Ohio to go to a square dance with Pappy's family. It was a great time, and the kids loved dancing. After dinner, but before the dance started Daddy took Josiah on a walk of the streets of Jewett. Here is our cool little man taking in the sights.

Hand in my pocket

Hand in my pants
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Just enjoying the stroll.

Sittin' on a stump

Sittin' on a stump
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
I know this pic is slightly blurry, but our kids are too cute together, I had to share.

Posing by a truck

Posing by a truck
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
While on the walk with Daddy Josiah asked to have his picture taken by this cool old truck. He is so handsome!

Monday, October 06, 2008


Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Ok, so I know that it has been a really long time since we've blogged. I have no other excuse other than laziness. I haven't taken pictures really, we've just been playing and living life. But this weekend we got some good shots of the kids doing different stuff. I'll post some now, and some later.

The two of them helped me with the communion bread this weekend, a first for them together. It was really fun to watch them enjoy it together and for Abigail to teach her brother how it was done.

A little poke

A little poke
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Josiah testing it all out.

Kneading the bread

Kneading the bread
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Abigail showed Josiah how it was done, and he caught on pretty quickly. Here they are kneading the different loaves.

Happy helpers

Happy helpers
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Is it just me, or do they look A LOT alike?