The adventures of the Reilly family.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

She's doing a good job

She's doing a good job
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
I have started to let Abigail really hold Samuel, sitting down and with my hands really close to be safe. Here they are hanging out while Josiah slept. Samuel looks so excited! He should be, she's a great big sister!

Hanging on

Hanging on
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
She's so proud!

Studying big sis

Studying big sis
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
I thin he could learn a lot from her. Sure looks like he's trying.

Ha, ha!

Ha, ha!
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Think he's ornery already. Look at that smile, but the fist that blocked it at the last minute.

What are you doing?

What are you doing?
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Just a cute pic of the little man,

Yeah, he's naked

Yeah, he's naked
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
I mean seriously couldn't you just pinch that butt? Too cute!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My boys!

My boys!
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
These are the best boys in the world, and I love them!

Ornery boy

Ornery boy
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
What a sweet picture of Josiah at Bonky's the other day.

Ornery magnified

Ornery magnified
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
As if we need to magnify his orneriness!

Crazy hair

Crazy hair
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
We just had to take this picture of Abigail the other day after a shower and before bed. Here hair was only slightly damp, but looked like this after being taken out of the pony tail that was supposed to be keeping it from getting wet in the first place. It sure looks crazy!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Giant boot!

Giant boot!
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Yesterday the older two an I (John) ventured out to Ross Park Mall to run some errands. While we were there we decided to go to the new L.L. Bean store. While the store was impressive, the element that most attracted Abigail and Josiah was the giant boot outside the store. Here they are posing for the camera, so proud of their find.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I'll help you up

I'll help you up
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
This is a sweet picture that I got of the two kids while they were in the snow the other day. Again John took them out, and Samuel and I stayed in and watched from the window. We had 7 inches of snow on the ground so the kids had a bit of trouble trudging around in the snow. Abigail fell over and her sweet little bro came to the rescue.

Talking to Mommy

Talking to Mommy
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Last night was a rough one for Samuel and I. He really hasn't quite figured out sleeping at night quite right just yet. So this morning John took the older two out for a bit and Samuel and I rested up. While we were playing on the floor my little man rewarded me for all my trouble with some really cute stuff. Lots of smiles, lots of coos. Here he is right in the middle of telling me something really important.

Little smile

Little smile
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
What a fun time it is to have Samuel smiling now.

Sweet boy

Sweet boy
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
This is sort of a smile, sort of Samuel starting to coo. Either way, it is way sweet.

Playing with Larry

Playing with Larry
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Oh, Larry Elefante what joy he has brought all of our kids. Here is Samuel taking a swing at him. Moments later Larry went flying.

In the pillows

In the pillows
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
More pillow fun, different day.

Big smile?

Big smile?
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
He is so silly!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Chillin' in the morning

Chillin' in the morning
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Happy 1 month to Samuel! We woke up this morning and it was -1 outside, INSANE!!! But we stayed warm and toasty inside and enjoyed a great morning. Here is the little man chillin' with Mommy on the couch.


Originally uploaded by TheReillys
As the weather gets colder and colder, the air gets drier and drier and Abigail's hair seems to hold more and more static. Here is a picture, as best we could capture, of the static craziness that is our punkin's hair.

Blowing bubbles

Blowing bubbles
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
The other day as I was getting lunch ready for the kids, Abigail was washing up and called me into the bathroom. She showed me this really big bubble she blew with her soap. (Something she had seen her daddy do.) She was so proud, and I just had to grab the camera.

Block boy

Block boy
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Sweet Josiah, ever concentrating on building something with Legos.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Dressed for the snow

Dressed for the snow
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
We heard on the news last night that we were expecting about 3 inches of snow at the least. So I (John) planned on taking the kids outside for some snow fun.

Every time it snows at our house they say, "Can we go out?". Usually it is not enough snow to play in, so I have been waiting for a good snow.

This morning we woke up and only found 2 inches, but that was enough. The rest is coming this evening and may be up to 6 inches. That will be fun.

Here are a few pictures of our time outside.

Snowy Slide

Snowy Slide
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Here is Abigail sweeping the snow off the swing set in our backyard.

Makin' Weapons

Makin' Weapons
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
While Abigail and I were playing on the hill in our backyard I turned and caught Josiah making snow balls and sneaking up on us. Here he is getting caught red-handed. He was really good at making the snow balls, but not so good at throwing them. All of those layers and slippery gloves made for a hard time.

Snow Angel

Snow Angel
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Abigail really seemed to enjoy sweeping the snow off of our slide. Later they both went down the slide and had a blast. The combination of snow, a plastic slide, and snow pants made for a very fast slide. The kids just shot out of the end like a rocket.

Friday, January 09, 2009

First precious smiles

First precious smiles
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Ah, those first toothless smiles! They are some of my favorite moments as a mommy. Here is one of Samuel's caught on camera. John pointed out that one of Abigail's firsts looks almost exactly like this. Same camera angle, the way i'm holding her. I'll have to see if I can dig it up and post it too. What a sweet little man, he's getting big fast.

Cozy girl

Cozy girl
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
The last few days we have spent a lot of time playing with the pillows from the couch on the living room floor. Here is Abigail taling a break after some rough play.

Cheese...I mean peanut butter

My sweet boy enjoying some lunch.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Great big sister

Great big sister
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Abigail has always been a great big sister to Josiah, I really didn't think she'd be any different with Samuel. And she's not. Here she is, so proud to be holding him, all by herself, really.

Sleepy boy

Sleepy boy
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Samuel catching a nap in his car seat after a tiring trip to pick up Abigail from school. Really it's only really close by, but it wore him out all the same. Look at those lips, couldn't you just kiss 'em.

Tummy time!

Tummy time!
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
This was Samuel's first time at tummy time. He did pretty well. It's really hard to lift that heavy head. Here Abigail is trying to entertain him with a big bug.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Hartwood Acres

Hartwood Acres
Originally uploaded by Julie Bayer
What a New Year's day it has been. We mostly slept through the official New Year. We would have totally missed it had it not been for Abigail waking up at about 11:57pm to pee. I still missed the ball drop because I (John) was waiting for her to wrap things up in the bathroom so I could get her back to bed. I could hear the fireworks of Pittsburgh's New Years celebration going off in the distance.

Morning came and we headed out of Pittsburgh to Moundsville, WV to visit with Uncle Tom, Aunt Mary Ann, cousin Beth, and cousin-in-law Ron. It has been a while since we were able to make the journey to Moundsville, but we wanted to visit and introduce them to our newest little one.

It was nice to see them, but we had to get on the road for some lunch and naps. After a quick stop to eat everyone (except me) fell asleep for the hour drive back to PA.

Before dinner tonight we packed up the van again and headed to Hartwood Acres, a park here in Pittsburgh. It is about 6 miles from our house and people come from all around to see its light display. It took about 45 minutes to drive the 3 1/2 miles around the park, but the kids loved it so much.

We returned home for dinner, baths, and bed. It was a good way to start off the New Year.