The adventures of the Reilly family.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Reilly fun day

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
This is a picture from our super fun day yesterday. It was taken aboard the USS Requin. A real World War II submarine that is in the river outside the Carneige Science Center. We went there yesterday morning and enjoyed all the fun things it had to offer. The submarine, learning about weather,robots, trains, different ways to make music, and so much more. There are many, many, pictures on the blog from that day. Enjoy!

Quote from the day, "I see so many exciting things I like!" -Josiah upon arriving at the Science Center.


Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Abigail and Josiah were very excited about their first trip onto a real submarine.

Daddy, a sub, and the city

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
What a great shot of the submarine and the city in the background!

Going down

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Daddy and the kids descend into the belly of the sub.

Narrow hallway

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
When I was pregnant with Abigail John said that there were things he missed most, one was being able to hug me all the way around. The other was being able to pass me in the hallway in our tiny apartment. Can you imagine trying to pass in this hallway? But then again, not too many pregnant woman on a submarine.

Four Reillys in a tiny door

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
It was interesting going through the doors as we went down the hallway. One of us, John or I, would go through first, then pass Samuel through, then help the little ones through. I cannot imagine having to go through them quickly while under attack.

Lots of buttons

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Not sure which room this was exactly. But there sure were a lot of buttons.

Tight quarters

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
This was a mock room set up with things that one might see in a typical room back them. Three bunks, and a tiny desk and some shelves all crammed into a really, really small space. I cannot tell ya too many times just how much I could not have done that.

Little farmers

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
The kids had a fun time planting some crops in the makeshift garden. Josiah is planting corn, Abigail some zucchinis.


Originally uploaded by TheReillys
There was this one room the kids could go in that had a bunch of different things nailed to the wall that they could play. Trash cans, hard hats, wash boards, stuff like that. Abigail, said, as she played, "Mommy, look, just like Stomp!" Josiah really did have a fun time with this trash can. He just really didn't want me taking his picture.

Funny mirror

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Who doesn't love a funhouse mirror? Josiah sure thought it was very cool.

My critters

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
This was a big log that the kids could crawl through. There were puppets they could pretend with. Woodland animals. Here is Josiah with his chipmunk and Abigail a raccoon.


Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Abigail working the big backhoe to dig up some rocks. It was fun, but, not too much, seeing how they get to work the real thing with Pappy.

Sweet Samuel in ball heaven

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Samuel was so good, sitting in his stroller while the other kids played and explored. But once we made it to the top floor there was a ball area for him to play. You should've seen his face when he say the balls. He just lit up and yelled, "BALL!" And boy did ever play! He played right alongside the big kids. He sure loves to play ball. My big little boy!

Working the belt

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Samuel working hard putting balls on the belt.

Balls going up

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Abigail puts balls in the buckets to make them go up, they then filled a big thing and then would come crashing.

Down they come

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Josiah stands under when the balls come crashing down.


Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Josiah looking cute, taking a break from working hard.

Twist this like this

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Josiah gives the big wheel a twist to make the balls go up, up, up.

Blue man Reillys

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Abigail and Josiah playing some PVC music.


Originally uploaded by TheReillys
This was a big drum that channeled air really hard if you hit the one side. There was a big thing hanging on the wall on the other side of the room so you could see the effects.


Originally uploaded by TheReillys
I didn't quite capture his hair blowing like it did most of the time, but here's Josiah after Daddy gave the drum a big thump.

Air Abigail

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Abigail gives the drum a thump and sees the effects.

Fishing for seahorses

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Josiah and Abigail are trying to grab some sea horses with the claws through the big bubble. They did eventually snag one.

Pretty girl checking out trains

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
They had a really huge, very cool train display that the kids really enjoyed.


Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Josiah and Abigail listening to what the robot at the entrance to roboworld had to say.

Robo basketball

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
This robot would spin around, pick up a basketball, then spin back around and shoot it. It made the shot, most of the time, but not always.

Mommy and C3PO

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Who wouldn't pass up a chance to get their pic with C3PO?

Tiny on Earth, Tiny on Mars

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Here is Abigail on a scale that told her what she would weight on various planets and the moon.

Here is Pittsburgh

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Daddy pointing out to Abigail where on the big wide world we live.


Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Abigail watching the waves go back and forth as the glass tips up and down.

And forth

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Josiah makes the waves go back in the other direction

Earthquake booth

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
The name says it all. This was a makeshift restaurant booth that you could choose different levels of earthquake you'd feel when it shook. There was a lamp above their heads that shook pretty hard too. Josiah really wasn't all that scared. But this face is funny, posed or not.

Ooo, waves

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
This was a really cool table that if you turned different knobs it created different colored wave patterns below the glass.


Originally uploaded by TheReillys
There were two handles on either side of this volcano, to allow air pressure and lava pressure to build if you pumped them. Here Abigail and Josiah are trying to make it blow!


Originally uploaded by TheReillys
This handle to give pressure to the volcano was really, really hard to pull, even for me. But here is Abigail giving it a really good go.


Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Abigail and Josiah watching what happens when they push the button to make a tornado.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Pretty princess

Pretty princess
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Here is my sweet punkin in my tutu from dance class like 25 years ago. She is super cute! She only posed for a moment, because she said it itched. I remember that too. But I thought it was just too sweet to not capture her in it.

Bed head

Bed head
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Josiah has some of the worst bed head of any person i've ever known. I had him lay down on the couch and pose for this shortly after waking up from a nap the other day. Sometimes the only thing that will fix it is to wet it all and blow it dry. Sweet boy!

Kissing big brother

Kissing big brother
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Samuel sure does love his big brother. Here he is after going over, out of the blue, and giving Josiah a big kiss while he practices his letters.

Friday, April 23, 2010

I love my Bonky!

I love my Bonky!
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Yes, Samuel sure does love his Bonky! Funny thing is that his shirt says Big Man on's a size 6-9 months, he's 16 months old. Ha! Not necessarily the biggest man on campus. But he sure is the cutest, sweetest little guy I know!

Ball with Bonky

Ball with Bonky
Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Samuel really loves to play ball. And here he is cute as can be playing some with Bonky!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Fork lift!

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Josiah and Daddy went to Home Depot last month for the classes that they offer for kids to build things. They built a really cool rain gauge. Josiah loves tools and had a really great time. But his favorite part was getting to see the fork lift in action. It's really his favorite part about Home Depot. My little tool man!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Baby in the bubble

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Samuel sure does love the tunnels that they have at church for the kids to crawl through. Even though there is a little glare on the pic, you can tell he's having a blast!

Little at heart

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Abigail is very silly. Here she is riding her baby brother's hippo in the parking lot after taking a break from riding her bike.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Look we found Batman hidden in our garage with the holiday decorations!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Samuel the gunslinger

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Samuel was so funny with this squirt gun at Bonky's on Easter. He carried that thing around forever, pointing it and making a gun noise. It was the silliest thing. He is just too much fun!!!!


Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Samuel shooting someone. but always with a smile.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Fort Bumbeybee

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Here are me and my sweet sweet boys in the fort we've been working on in the woods near our house. It's so fun to still be able to play in the woods, yet still live in a neighborhood that's close to everything. Josiah has especially had a great time trying to carry the biggest sticks to add to the fort. He's such a big boy!

Friday, April 09, 2010

Newest Reilly?

Originally uploaded by TheReillys
Here is a picture of one of 3 hawks that live in our neighborhood. They are really cool to watch soaring around, hunting for mice, Josiah says. It's a little eerie to hear their screech. Here he is resting in the tree just above our swingset.