The adventures of the Reilly family.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Our punkin'

Our punkin'
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Daddy bought these pumpkins for club the other night, but didn't end up using them, so they were just sitting out in the yard waiting for Abigail. Well as soon as she saw them she got really excited, then she started trying to push them around, all the while grunting and huffing and puffing. She picked up the little one and just tossed it around, it was funny stuff. My favorite part though, was by far the grunting while trying to push the big one.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Thinking in the box

Thinking in the box
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
This morning Abigail thought she'd see what it felt like to be one of her toys in the box, so in she climbed. She sat in the for a while, and grabed a couple and she smiled, the climbed back out. She was so suprised that she got back out on her own that she turned to look at me with a suprised look, but I couldn't get the camera to capture it in time, but believe me it was cute stuff.

Good arm

Good arm
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Well the warm weather we had been enjoying is GONE, it has gotten drastically cold really quick. But yesterday we put on jackets and ventured down to the creek behind our house, which thanks to the coming of fall is easier to get to. At first I just held Abigail and throw some rocks in, then let her throw some, she would giggle after each splash. Then we sat down for a while and she just threw every rock within her reach. If you look closely you can see the rock she is tossing in midair. Also take a look at the huge rock sitting in front of her, she tried her hand at that one a little later on and ended up rolling it into the creek. We really had a great time outside, I love Fall!

Monday, October 24, 2005

A little bathtime silliness

A little bathtime silliness
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Abigail loves her bath, what more can I say.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Great vist!!!

Great vist!!!
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Well yesterday John's Uncle Gary, Aunt Bertie and Cousin Lisa all came over from Gastonia for a visit. It was really a great time for everyone. We got to enjoy some lunch together, but mostly just watching Abigail and her antics. She woke up and was shy when they first got here, but before long she was running and laughing and showing off. It was really great for her to spend some time with her Great Aunt and Uncle and cousin. Thanks for the visit!!!

Teaching cousin Lisa a few things

Doesn't Abigial just look like a little teacher pointing at her white board in this picture? She was showing her cousin her magnets on the dishwasher. John and I have decided that Abigail is the Lisa of this generation, as she is the only cousin that lives far away from Grandma. So I guess they were having a bonding moment. Or maybe she was just being the silly girl she is.

I love my Uncle Gary

I love my Uncle Gary
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
What a great time Abigail had with her Uncle Gary. It took her a while, but as you can tell she eventually warmed up. By the time they left she had really put on quite a show.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Bad hair day!

Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Originally Allison was trying to capture this head of hair. Abigail's hair is so out of control most of the time. Today her nap did a number on it somehow.

Her attitude improved after having some Cheese-its with Mommy. Hair like Daddy and an apetite like Mommy.

You woke me up for this?

Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Nap time. It always seems to take such a toll on our girl. I wish I (John) could take 2 naps a day plus sleep 12 hours a night. Allison captured this photo today right after Abigail's nap and right before her snack. She seems excited huh?

Yeah leaves!!!

Yeah leaves!!!
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Abigail and I have had a blast the last week or so as the leaves have started to fall in full force. One of my favorite memories as a kid was jumping in the leaves, so why not pass on the tradition. Here she is enjoying throwing some up in the air, we had to get some shots in before Daddy mowed them all away. I think she made the most of it.

So now what?

So now what?
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Abigail was enjoying the leaves so much but when she walked up to her dad as he was taking this picture she just folded her arms and smiled, like what now? Isn't she so so stinking cute?

Me and my big leaf

Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Here is Abigail in the yard with one of the biggest leaves ever. She doesn't look too pleased that I asked her to look up from it at the camera.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Ready for winter

Ready for winter
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
First of all we want to say THANKS GRANDMA!!!! for the new coat. We went and picked it out the other day. We had to put it on and model it for you all, even though it was like 80 out the day we bought it. Doesn't she look so cute and oh so ready for winter? She really likes it, she may be a model some day, she already has the spin down. We got a hat and gloves to match later on, but our camera is out of battery so we'll load pictures of that later. Again thanks Grandma!!!!

Oh, I fell over!

Oh, I fell over!
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Abigail really loved her new coat. She liked it so much she started dancing around. Problem was it was a bit heavy for her and I think the hood got in the way and she fell over. It was really pretty funny, and she just laughed about it.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Big girl!

Big girl!
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Abigail has really shown absolutely no interest in feeding herself with a spoon. It is was faster for Mommy to shovel it in. Even if I try to hand her the spoon with stuff already on it, she just opens her mouth. But this morning at breakfast she was not eating so well, so I went about eating my own breakfast. Much to my suprise she kept pointing to her spoon and bowl, so I handed them to her. She first just stirred it, but the got some milk on to the spoon and licked it off. Before long she was getting big spoonfulls of cereal and eating it, making most of it in her mouth. What a big girl our sweet thing is becoming! We love watching her grow.

So proud!

So proud!
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Here is the big goofy smile Abigail flashed as we praised her for feeding herself. She was so proud!

Monday, October 10, 2005

Abigail vs. puddle

Abigail vs. puddle
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Yesterday afternoon while Daddy was washing his Jeep we decided to go out to say hello. Abigail quickly got bored of that and wandered over to the stream of soap and water running down the driveway. She quickly began picking up handfulls of soap and putting it in her hair, soon the splashing ensued and before long she was sitting in the water. This is a photo taken just before I stripped her down to change her clothes, i'm not sure the picture does the situation justice. But boy was she wet. She had fun, but I think I have to declare the puddle the winner.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Abigail and her buddy Aidan

We were at Aidan's house yesterday for his birthday, and Abigail commandeered his car. He tried to get it back at one point by climbing in on top of her, we didn't get a picture of that, but just imagine. It was hilarious. Eventually he gave up and walked away, way to go Abigail you've already got the boys wrapped around your finger.

I'm too pretty for this party

I'm too pretty for this party
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Yesterday Abigail went to her first official party. Her little friend Aidan turned one. We took the camera along, hoping to get her being the socialite that she is, but really she spent much of her time in the driveway playing with the rocks.


Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
The picture really says it all. She was getting really excited about the camera and when Daddy snapped the picture it was just great. Just like Abzilla, as big as can be with the sky so pretty behind her.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Silliest super hero ever!

Silliest super hero ever!
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Here is Abigail in her super hero outfit that she created herself. She is sooooo goofy. For any of you Young Lifers out there, do we have a future program director on our hands or what?

I don't feel too super.

I don't feel too super.
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Yesterday afternoon while playing in the room where Daddy keeps his skit clothes Abigail came across an afro wig and a piece of orange fabric. She picked them up, the fabric first, and handed them to me, like, hey put these on. Once the cape was tied, she picked up the wig and handed it to me too, guess it completed the super hero ensemble. But at first she wasn't too sure of what to think, plus I think the wig was really heavy. But this shot really shows off the whole get up well.

Am I gonna have to come over there?

Later in the evening Abigail went shirtless and pantless, but still needed her cape. She is here giving that oh so scary super hero stare to intimidate any who dare try anything funny.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Flashin' that smile!

Flashin' that smile!
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Just a little candid shot of Abigail up to some mischief. She's got that makeup bag again. she's smiling as if she knows she's caught, but that she is too cute. She sure is!!!!

Daddy's snuggle bug

Daddy's snuggle bug
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Abigail is by no means a snuggler, but when she does, boy is it sweet. Here she is with her Daddy after a little wrestle session on the bed. Sometimes that's the only way we can get some snuggles in, to pin her down. But hey, we'll take what we can get. Aren't they sweet?

Cozy and happy girl

Cozy and happy girl
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Abigail just chillin' on the couch with Lamby. She didn't stay for long sitting there so sweet, but it sure was cute while it lasted, her all snug under the blanket and all.