The adventures of the Reilly family.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Hot Air Balloon

Hot Air Balloon
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
This past Saturday YoungLife of McDowell County hosted it's annual Golf Tournament. This year a special event was held to raise money for "Campership", a scholarship program for students to go to YoungLife summer camps.

Students sold prenumbered golf balls in the community. On the day of the tournament a hot air balloon rose 120' in the air and dumped all 500 of them! The closest three to the pin won cash prizes and the furthest from the pin won gift certificates to a local restaurant.

It was a great event! We raised nearly $4,000 with the balloon drop.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Beautiful cowgirl

Beautiful cowgirl
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Abigail got this rocking horse from her Pappy for Christmas. But because we didn't have room for it she didn't get it until they brought with them when they came for Easter. She really loves it and rides it a good bit, but i've tried and tried to get a good picure, taking nearly 20 with none that were bloggable, but here you go I think this is perfect!

Yee Ha!

Yee Ha!
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Abigail having a hopping good time on her horse. She looks scared to death, but really she was just yelling from having so much fun.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Ready to go

Ready to go
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Here is Abigail all ready for church. I just thought that the hat was too cute. I guess she thought Lamby was going too, but she didn't. We generally don't let her take her places, as if we forgot her, it would be the end of all things. But isn't she stinking cute stuff?

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

That's ticky

That's ticky
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Here is a hilarious picture of Abigail. She was sitting on her daddy's belly and he would blow her hair really hard and she would just giggle and say "That's ticky" which is her way of saying something tickles. It was so funny to watch her hair fly up, she's got so much of it now it's amazing.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Strawberry face

Strawberry face
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Abigail loves her strawberrys as i've said before. This last batch we bought was super good and juicy. I guess you can tell that by her face, what a funny kid we have.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Did I make that mess?

Did I make that mess?
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Yesterday Abigail discovered bubbles and she really had a blast. However, while I was trying to get a picture of her she picked up the bottle and dumped it all over the driveway. Here she is looking very forlornly at what is left of her bubbles. While we were able to play with them it was very fun to watch her chase them all over the yard when I blew them, or to try and blow them herself. Good times!!!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Abby's Big Bed

Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Here is Abigail and her Mommy reading a story before bedtime. This was Abigail's first time in a big bed and not her crib. If you read below, you will see that she did really well.

Our Little Big Girl

Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Last night Abigail took a big step. We took apart her crib and traded it for a bed. She did amazing. Instead of reading to her in a rocking chair, Allison crawled into bed with her (as you see) and read. When it was time to sleep she simply roled over and went to sleep! She even did well during her nap today.

She is growing so fast and we are enjoying every minute of her while it is just her. When our little man arrives I am sure we will be just as excited about all that he does.

The next big step for Abigail is school. Allison said, "I will be standing along the side of the road crying on that morning." I said, "I won't...I will be on the bus." :)

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Playdough fun

Playdough fun
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Yesterday it was really rainy here, so we had to find some indoor activities to occupy our time. So here is Abigail loving making a mess with some playdough. She's got a piece stuck to her finger and she thinks its pretty funny. Her favorite thing to do is for me to make a ball, then say "Squish!" and then squish it really hard. Today its nice and sunny though, so I think we're heading to the park!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Snuggling with a snack

Snuggling with a snack
Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Yesterday I decided it would be nice just to sit on the couch and snuggle with Abigail for her after nap snack. I had intended on us having some graham crackers, but she wanted strawberries instead. So while I was cutting them up she sat there quietly, until she asked for a blanket, which in Abigail words sounds a lot like bacon, so funny! Anyway, here she is snuggled up so cute enjoying some strawberries, she even shared some with Mommy.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Big and Loud

Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Big and loud, that's what Abigail says anytime she sees a piece of machinary such as this awesome tiller our friend Derek let us borrow for our garden. It sure did do the job though, the ground is so soft it's amazing!

Till it!!!!

Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
Wow what a guy! Here's John having some fun tilling up some of the garden that had grown up a bit. The cool weather stuff is doing great, and almost ready to harvest, but now its time to plant warm weather stuff!

Monday, May 01, 2006

I gotta get out of here

Originally uploaded by abigail0723.
I was really trying to get a picture of Abigail with her hair up in the ponytail, oh so cute. But it turns out she really just wanted to get away, its a good shot though. She has perfected opening and closing the doors sooner than I would have hoped, but she is stinking smart, and getting too tall for her own good. Check out those undies my big girl is wearing.